Photo Credit: Linda M. Rhinehart Neas ©2012
Landeg, TNS class of 2014, asks an interesting question in one of her blog posts.
She writes, “…how can we define and perceive altruism from a spiritual
perspective, and what is at the heart of its application in the world, in terms
of the evolution of humanity?” Shari
answers the question by sharing thoughts on the Buddhist “development and practice
of Bodhicitta - ‘awakened mind.’”
this practice, one realizes that in being one with all, in seeing our shared
humanity with all its bumps and bulges, we are able to grasp the idea of the
endless possibilities we, as humans, have for change.
lotus that grows out of the mud, up into the sunshine above the water,
we can grow into awakened beings. We may remain with our feet in the mud
of chaos,
in the murky depths of pain, suffering and heartache, but we can hold
our heads
high in the light of loving-kindness, universal compassion and limitless
Landeg’s spiritual journey began in her early teens, alongside her mother’s. She would tag along to various groups,
meetings and spiritual organizations, which opened her mind to a wide range of
beliefs, philosophies and ideas. She
grew up strongly connected to her indigenous heritage, and held a deep
reverence to the environment, specific localities and natural landmarks
considered sacred to Maori culture, which fed her passion for all cultures,
peoples and sacred practices generally. She encountered the Tibetan Buddhist
path in her twenties and had a primary role in the establishment and running of
a Buddhist center in Tasmania, Australia.
has an academic background in Asian Cultures and Societies, and has taught in
various educational settings. She is currently
writing a memoir about her time living a Himalayan Refugee community while she
researched the roles of Tibetan women.
Her passion for interfaith has grown over the last few years, leading to
her recently accepting a position as Administrator for Interfaithnet - a social media
forum started by a group of Interfaith Ministers living and working in the Asia
Pacific. She promotes interfaith ideals
by researching, writing and corresponding with a diverse range of faith based organizations
in the region, and through her personal blog;
ordination in 2014 will be the culmination of a long held dream.