Friday, September 28, 2012

Welcoming All New Students!

September 2012

Dear First and Accelerated Students,
Welcome! We celebrate your joining the ranks of students studying for ordination as interfaith ministers. Please know that we are here to answer questions or if you need a resource for your ideas.  
Your first year of seminary is a time of awe, confusion, joy, introspection and a myriad amount of other feelings, all of which will lead you to where you need to be to do the work you are called to do. 
Be gentle with yourself as you journey forward this year. Remember that there is no growth without chaos and conflict. Even the tiniest of seeds must push itself through a ton of dirt before the Sun shines on it.
We pray that you will enjoy, grow and be blessed by this wonderful journey we are taking together.
Blessings of Love and Peace,
The Second Year Students (Class of 2013)

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